I will never mix pixi sticks and monster together ever again... Meghan and I ended up going into a massive sugar high and started giggling and laughing and doing all sorts of crazy things. We were hanging out with our friend Frosty and went to wal-mart for more candy, on our way out of wal-mart I spotted one of those huge concrete pole covers in the middle of the parking lot and I was like OH MY GOD THAT WOULD BE AN AWESOME WAY TO REMEMBER THE NIGHT! Meghan never really listened to the things that I'd say we do because I'm the friend with the crazy idras NOBODY should take seriously, the poor thing wasn't thinking right due to all the sugar and after I said it she goes LET'S DO IT and we both jumped out of the moving car and bolted for the big cone thing we got it and we were running back to the van when we seen Frosty driving away from us and we were like OH MY GOD and started screaming at her to come back and we realized she wasn't going to come back for us so we threw the cone thing above our heads and ran for the car and when we were running down the hill my ankle twisted due to a little patch of dirt and grass taken out and it hurt really really bad and we got in the car and my foot hurt so bad it was hard to walk and Frosty acted like a mommy and was like you guys know better than that meah meah meah meah meah and started nagging at us and then we were like Aww... :( We will never do that again...
OR WILL WE!? >:) you never know what to expect out of us, especially when you hand us the sugar. We get pretty crazy when you mix a bunch of sugar with us being around each other.... Another time we got all sugar high we ended up in a food coloring fight and had it all over the place.. I WILL TOTALLY DO THAT AGAIN, it was so much fun. We always have the funnest memories because of sugar, if you ask me sugar is the most amazing thing in the world. Especially when you mix the two of us into it... You should see us on Halloween we take little kids trick or treating and we get candy as well maybe that's why people have been popping out so many kids here recently, they want a reason to go trick or treating again. All to the side though I feel that we should never do pixi sticks and monster ever again. :)
There is a girl who I see going to the beach every day and she always sprays in the stuff to put highlights in your hair, The sun reflected off of her hair and her hair reflected the light sand that lied beneath my feet, squishing in between my toes. I always thought that the color of her hair was so pretty, Her hair color changed from dark to light due to the sun though and it became as light as can be, it was almost as light as a lot of the new born babies who don't end up with the dark hair. Sometimes the sun would reflect off her hair due to how light it was and beam into my eyes. Her hair was the color that a brownie is when you don't put in cocoa.
The little boy trod ding about, stamping his feet down with tears running down his face. He is screaming at his mom because he wants a candy bar which he cannot have because he wasn't behaving in the store. The little boy began screaming at the top of his lungs making a scene for everyone to see and hear. The mother, embarrassed tells the boy to tone it down in which he didn't listen. He begins screaming even louder and everyone begins to look at the mother as if she had done something wrong. The mother looks forward and sees the line still has two people ahead of her and shakes her head. She is unsure what to do because if he gets his way he will always do this but if he doesn't get his way he is going to scream the whole time. The mother looks at the child and says "I told you if you did not listen to me and behave in the store you would not get any candy so you will have none." The boy begins to get red-faced and screams and starts hitting his mother.
You have to of course make your cake mix which can be any flavor that you choose, you need to pick out your color scheme, and what you want it to be topped with. We have always done our cakes in really light colors and so after you have all that figured out you make two circle cakes and while they are being baked you can begin making your frosting. We have a marshmellowy frosting that we use. it's basic ingredients like corn syrup, sugar, cream of tartar and that's pretty much it unless you want to add in a specific flavoring, we like using vanilla. After you make your frosting and the cakes you start trimming your cake down however you want. We have always used a bunny with two ears and a little bow-tie. They are extremely cute and fun to make. After you trim it down you then put on your frosting with whatever color scheme you chose. This weekend I did a purple bunny, green inside the ears and a blue bow-tie. After you finish frosting it you get out your candy and let your creativity come into play. We have always done mnm's on the bow-tie and we usually use them for the eyes and the nose. We usually use twizzlers as the mouth but this weekend I tried it out with mnm's. I love these cakes because really you can do anything you want with it. You can do any type of cake, any frosting and any types of candy. These cakes are really fun to do especially around Easter and I've started seeing if people would be interested in buying them. With my family we have a cat who enjoys sitting on the cakes that I make so we have to put it in some kind of box so we can close it up without messing up the frosting. I of course use duct tape so that I can tape down the parchment paper so that it's not on cardboard. All bunnies have different designs and I've seen some with little notches on their foreheads so that's what I did to mine this time because I really like the mnm's on the cake because it's just amazing. Down below this is the cake that I made this weekend. It's kind of hard making it with mnm's sometimes because they like to fall out of your hand and onto the cake and if your doing a specific order then it can mess it up and you have to pick it off and then it leaves a little spot of no frosting.
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