Monday, February 10, 2014

The Elephant

I have a elephant that I found in my pocket... I lost it for like a year and then my cousin found it at her house and asked if it was mine and I was like oh my gosh! I wondered where that went! And then I put it in my pants pocket and apparently never took it out and it stayed in there, weird how that works.  I got the elephant when I went to Silver Dollar City after prom.  I seen it and it's like a little rock with a elephant carved out of it and it's super shiny and cute.  I have an obsession with elephants, even though they are huge I think they are absolutely adorable.  I've always thought it was cute how they like hook tails and start walking around and I've always thought that they were kinda majestic I mean when they are at the circus it shows how smart they are.  I think that it's kinda sad how they are just taken and put into show business their whole life.. It makes me wonder what they get out of the deal I mean do they get fed really awesomely for all the money they bring in?  My cousin before he committed suicide would always take us to the circus and we'd always have fun with it.  I remember always wanting to ride a elephant but by the time I got down there it was to late and I'd be all sad...  The last circus he took us to had Ronald McDonald and the gang there and we were like hanging out with the people and it was really funny to us for some reason... Then on the way back he got us milkshakes from McDonald's because we got a free coupon from them and it was those Shamrock shake things... It was the best freaking thing ever and we were all super hyper and bouncing up and down and he was all if you don't calm down I'm gonna stop the car and your gonna walk home and he was like nope nope and stopped the car and we got out of the car thinking he was joking... And then he drove off and we were like You really left ussss!!! We were still laughing because we knew it was a joke and walked home which was like a block away and when we got in the house he was like have a nice walk? And we laughed and said it was an excellent walk.  I miss him he was always fun to hang around.   We were suppose to go to the zoo together but he didn't end up making it to that.  Elephants are symbolic to me for that reason, they remind me of him because of the circus and zoo, it's still hard for me to go to the zoo or circus... I haven't been since he past away and it's been quite a few years...  I just love elephants now...

The Dice

A dice has many different sides to it... Literally.  A lot of people use dice in games and a lot of people even gamble with them.  I guess you could say a dice has seen many things and I feel sorry for them, especially when they come from gambling cause yeah...  I think that without the invention of dice in the world the world would explode...  A dice saves you from having to spin the stupid little cardboard spinney thingy I always hated that stupid thing cause you'd try to spin and it'd catch your nail or something and you'd get a stupid number and end up having to go all the way back to the beginning of the game!  I remember always being like I tried spinning it but it hit my finger! And they'd be like to bad hahaha loser and then I'd get but hurt and quit playing.  I guess that wasn't the best story either but I mean dice are everywhere now, people play with them for Yahtzee, dungeons and dragons (DND), monopoly, all sorts of games!  And it's like now dice are everywhere in all sorts of sizes.. There are huge plush ones for gym, little plush ones for your car, all sorts of shapes and sizes for different games... Little tiny tiny ones for like trouble or something like that.  A dice has seen a lot of different stories and I'm sure if they could talk they'd tell you some crazy stories, they may also file for assault but ya know~  Dice are just really cool to me because there are all sorts and yeah there are dice that look the same but each dice is special in it's own way because of the memories it leaves behind.  A lot of people use dice every day I mean to live in a world without dice... What kind of world would that be? It'd be a scary one I almost wonder if it'd be a better thing, I mean without dice some of the gambling places wouldn't be here and some people wouldn't gamble away all there money... But then again people wouldn't= win money either.  I think that if I could I'd have a talking dice as a pet and it'd be awesome.  I could just like imagine it having little tiny legs and have a little tiny leash to take it on walks and people would be all oh hey! A talking dice!  How many sides does it have?  And like all the sides would be different moods. that would be kinda creepy though and it'd be one bi polar dice.  I honestly think that a dice is influential though I mean a lot of people use them for gambling which isn't the best but hey at least they aren't doing worse than that and going out and killing people.. Given that's probably happened before but hey you never know.  I just like how a dice could fit someones personality perfectly. they have all sorts of colors, all sorts of different things like sparkles, solid color, see through, I think they even have gel ones but I'm not a hundred percent sure.  You never know what they'll come up with anymore though.  They've come up with some crazy stuff lately, I don't know it's just dice are really cool to me and it's like each family has used a dice before for their games and they have fun memories with them.  My brother, sister and I were playing monopoly and I kept on making them go bankrupt because I was good at persuading them that it was a good deal and we had a lot of fun that day... =)

Creativity in Cooking

You have to have creativity in order to cook... If you have no creativity then your center pieces on your table, or the plating of your food is just going to look like crap...  When you can look at a bunch of different food and plate it in a way that looks amazing... That's creativity, you came up with it by using your brain.  There are people making radish roses, swans out of apples, all sorts of crazy things out of FOOD!  I mean you go to a bakery shop and look at all the different designs, someone seen that design and came up with it.  Everyone is just amazing because of the things they can come up with themselves.  I think that when someone can just look at a bunch of different food and just plop the food in a arrangement where it looks amazing... That's talent! And it's like people are all oh cooking is nothing, cooking is so easy anyone can do it! It's not, it's hard work and it takes a lot of time.  Your standing above a hot stove and waiting for your dish to turn out, there is always a chance you messed up and it's not going to come out right.  You go back and forth getting dishes out of the way, getting ingredients, something that you forgot.  But in the end you have your dish and you design it however you want, you completely control it and nobody else.  It signifies who you are as a person because it came out of your mind and the way you seen it.  There are inspirational designs that are made by creativity.  Someones creativity is going on a day that someone won't forget.  Your creativity can wow so many people and you don't even realize what is at stake.  Walmart workers who decorate the cakes, they have a map showing them how it goes but the person who came up with the design, they are part of every single persons birthday or wedding unless someone makes the cakes.  My grandma made my first birthday cake and it was a bunny cake... I've learned how to do it too and it's so easy and cute.  You use two circle pans and candy to create a bunny with a bow tie.  My best friend and I created a pizza cookie out of just boredom, we wanted to cook so we found sugar cookie mix, made it then put caramel on the bottom, took white almond bark and used a fork to make it look like shredded cheese and then used chocolate chips as olives, it was the best thing EVER.  We didn't look up any ideas we just found ingredients plopped all of them together and BANG it was awesome.  We also discovered you can use a easy bake oven with REAL cake mix... We made little tiny cakes and I made mine look awesome by just frosting it over with chocolate frosting and making little lines and it was just awesome.  I think that when you begin thinking creatively it's a huge impact on the world because nobody else came up with it before you and you just made a part of everyone's day.  The people on cooking shows are just hired and if you watch their faces when they eat what they just created... They have this disgusted face and are like mmm... so good... and smile at the camera after that it usually goes to a commercial they probably go off and spit it out.

The Mason Jar Lid

A mason jar lid has been used for many things... When I first seen it I was just like oh my god I hate you! Because we used mason jar lids to poach eggs... I hate poaching eggs it's one of the biggest apins everrrr!  I absolutely failed at doing it and I failed miserably.  I failed so hard that I forgot to laugh (haha)  anyways a lot of people find different things to use them for...  I can't really list a bunch off the top of my head but you could probaby make it into a little hat, deorate it and turn it into a bracelet. you could ummmmmm turn it in to some little tophat by spray painting it black and putting a little pece under it.  You could put qieres through it so that they don't get tangled.. Just a bunch of different stuff can be one with one little thing!   A lot of people wouild just look at it and be like oh great... a mason jar lid I almost did but then I remembered all the crap that I had to do with it.... It seriously sucked though like you have to boil water and then put it in the water and crack the egg over the water aiming it into the jar lid....  I don't think anyone really enjoyed it much, I did like poaching pears though that aws really fun and really tasty too =D We got out chocolate and caramel to decorate it with and then we ate it.... It was so nummy and now I'm craving poached pears again thinking of it.  I am sure that there are many other things that you can do with a mason jar lid though, I mean there are some really creative people out in this world.  There are people who could just look at a piece of paper and turn it into some huge masterpiece.  I think it's kinda funny how you can look at something like a mason jar lid and just become extremely inspired to create something out of it...  I could imagine some artist taking a bunch of them and creating some kind of doll house with it or a caste....  You never know what people will come up with these days! A lot of people can create bizzare things, I think that there is a robot that can eat trash and compact it dwon to a little bitty cube of trash...  Just imagine what you could do with a bunch of little mason jar lids, maybe cut one an loop them intogether so that it's like a huge chain and then put pictures in the middle of them so it's like a friend chain... OR you could put different animals in it and it'll be a food chain....  I don't know though, to one is there own.  You know, a lot of people even use the mason jar lids fpr thier intended purpose... Which is closing jars and keeping them secure.  You see mason jar lids everywhere I mean there used for storing jelly and they are in movies even.. I remember Holes when they find the stash of peaches and it's called sploosh.. I think it's a mason jar lid anyways..

Sunday, February 9, 2014

So called freedom

Kelsey Zimmerman
Ms. Anthony
English 101-103
2 February 2014
So Called Freedom

People everywhere are talking about how it’s such an amazing thing, having freedom, being able to say things without getting in trouble, but what they don’t realize is that at the same time we don't.  People are constantly pushing their beliefs, thoughts and actions on another to make themselves happy and don't pay any attention to the other persons thoughts.  People are no longer allowed to have their own opinion on some things without it being brutally challenged, you can't just state your opinion and someone with a different opinion peacefully ignore it. If the wrong thing is said in passing people can take it too literally. People are entitled to their own opinion, yes!  But there are responsibilities that come with it, many people just come right out and say things but what they don't realize is it is PUBLIC.  I've scrolled through my news feeds on Facebook and I see "Oh I just love weed" or "I hope this person dies!" and  things like that make me think WHY would you post something like that!?  It's like they want to go to prison  and want to lose your life? We are entitled to specific rights and with those rights comes responsibility.  People have to realize things they post, say and DO will withhold consequences no matter what is done. People are consistently saying you have freedom of speech!  No, true freedom is just an illusion made by those with power to keep the masses appeased; whether it's your personal opinion being constantly challenged, your privacy secretly being invaded by the government or the façade of social freedoms that are actually divided by the racial and gender traits that we cannot control, freedom is not really all that free at all.

    People are terrified of the government listening in on their conversations and are scared of saying the wrong thing... It freaks a lot of people out that the government could be on the other end listening to everyone talking; It's just flat out creepy!  It's no longer the "country of the free and the brave" since everyone is so afraid of terrorism...  Yeah, we understand the whole thing with the twin towers but no matter what is done eventually they are going to outsmart us. People are constantly thinking up new ways to heighten conflict.  It may take them some time but, eventually they will and there really isn't anything we can do about it.

     Awhile back there was a lady who decided to go outside topless everyone was like "Oh my god ewww!" and, I think it's no different from when men do it but, someone said "But she has boobs."  THERE ARE MEN WITH MOOBS!(man boobs) that are bigger than some girls yet they are still allowed to walk around and nobody is phased by that.  Why is that? Why is it there is different freedoms for different people?  Say the word "Negro" and African American people are like OH MY GOD YOU JUST CALLED ME A NEGRO!  Negro means black in Spanish...  I can see how some people would get offended by that but why is it African Americans can call us white or cracker but not the reverse?  What people don't realize is that we are not really "Free."  We are as free as the government allows us to be and that's that.